OS OpenMap

OS OpenMap

Cost effective backdrop mapping that provides context within GIS systems or on paper.


OS OpenMap has been generalised from OS’ large-scale data, this means it provides a simplified view of the map while keeping the important elements and characteristics of features.

OpenMap shows the following features:

  • Buildings & important buildings
  • Roads
  • Railways & stations
  • Electricity transmissions lines
  • Surface water and tidal boundaries
  • Woodland

Data Information

DatasetOS OpenMap
SupplierOrdnance Survey
Update Cycle6 months
Typical Delivery Time1-3 minutes

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1:10,000 (recommended viwin scales between 1:3,000 and 1:20,000)

How can you use OS OpenMap?

Display information online

OpenMap provides a low cost alternative for background mapping.

Local planning

With all the important buildings highlighted, gain greater insights for local planning.

Use in GIS

Private roads and tracks ensure this data is just a useful in rural areas and suburban areas.

Environmental analysis

We use OpenMap is our own environmental reports. Why not give it a try?

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