20th October 2022 - Early Access Programme - Release 3: Draw and Viewable Data Layers
What’s new?
- The third round of new features have been released to our Early Access users.
- This includes the latest updates to the Draw and Viewable Data layers panels.
- The Drawing tool icons have been updated to align to their usage as well as combining the MasterMap and Title fill icons together with a switch between the two.
- The Shape Properties and Colour Picker have been updated to provide a clearer interface and support faster updates for the user.
- The Viewable Data panel has been updated to make it easier to access the Free and Premium Data Layers within Promap for all users.
1st August 2022 - Digital Utilities Overview Plan Update
The Digital Utility Overview Plan provides CAD, GIS or PDF plans covering all affected utility responses. It is designed for environmental and property professionals involved in excavation, design or development projects. On August 1st 2022, we launched several key updates to the Digital Utility Overview Plan product, this includes:
- Enhanced detail – the DUOP now includes more data for each utility asset, including; sub-type, visibility, rating
- Better delivery – the DUOP delivery has been halved when ordering with Premium and Express Utility reports
- Premium presentation – the PDF version of the DUOP has been improved to allow easy digestion of data and ability to toggle data owner assets on individually.
11th July 2022 - Premium Layers Data Search Distance & Early Access Next Round
What’s new?
The Premium Layers feature in Promap allows you to overlay key property and environmental data for both your site and the surrounding area. Promap users have told us it would be more useful if more data was available for each site location, as a result we have increased the data buffer distance for several data categories.
Data Layer Option | Data Layer sub option | Existing Buffer Radius | New Buffer Radius |
Land Use Designation | All | 500m | 1000m |
Commercial Titles | All | 100m | 100m |
Flooding | All | 500m | 500m |
Planning | Alterations | 250m | 250m |
Planning | New Build: Up to 10 | 1000m | 1000m |
Planning | New Build: 10 to 50 | 1000m | 1000m |
Planning | New Build: Over 50 | 1000m | 1000m |
Planning | Unclassified | 1000m | 1000m |
Planning | Small Commercial | 250m | 500m |
Planning | Medium Commercial | 500m | 750m |
Planning | Large Commercial | 500m | 1000m |
Personal Titles | All | 100m | 100m |
Registered Leases | All | 200m | 200m |
Sold Prices | All | 500m | 500m |
Constraints | All | 1000m | 1000m |
Listed Buildings & Scheduled Monuments | All | 250m | 1000m |
Highways | All | 1000m | 1000m |
We’ve also extended the number of users included within the Promap Early Access programme.
7th April 2022 - Early Access Programme - Release 2
What’s new?
- The second round of new features have been released to our Early Access users.
- This includes a brand new Reports panel, completing the UI updates for the task tabs in Promap.
What’s been updated?
- Based on customer feedback an update has been made to the size of the north arrow, dramatically reducing the size of this for large paper sizes to improve presentation.
31st March 2022 - MasterMap Export Pricing
What’s been updated?
- The pricing for MasterMap export pricing has been increased by 4.9%.
23rd February 2022 - LandSearch Product Update
What’s been updated?
- The LandSearch report has had the phone number and Landmark logo updated.
- The demographic data from TransUnion has been removed from the LandSearch report.
10th February 2022 - Early Access Programme
What’s new?
- The first new features have been released to our Early Access users.
- This includes new Print, Export and Mapping Layers panels.
What’s been updated?
- A fix to a sporadic issue with Snap to Point
- An improvement to the address search in Promap. Previously, deleted text was appearing back again and triggering the search, making it very difficult to amend any search string
8th November 2021 - Branding and Early Access
What’s new?
- We’ve introduced capability for enabling early access for future features to a small group of users. This capability will be used for the first time in the early 2021.
What’s been updated?
- Update to the Promap logo.
18th October 2021 - Updated Header and Footer
What’s new?
- The Header and Footer of the Promap UI has been updated.
- Updated Nearby Orders and Nearby Saved Maps.
What’s been updated?
- A fix support Edit Print charges for those with a PMCL.
13th October 2021 - Updated My Maps and Save menus
What’s new?
- The My Maps (Open) and Save Maps menus have been updated to a new interface.
- This is the second update in a series of improvements to Promap, more information is available here.
What’s been updated?
- An update to the unlocking of print frame to prevent it jumping to previous locations.
- Updated Customer Service contact number
16th August 2021 - Login & Registration Updates
What’s new?
- The Login and Registration process has been updated to a new user interface.
- This is the first change in a series of updates to the Promap User Interface, more information is available here.
2nd August 2021 - Address Search Updates and Further Fixes
What’s been updated?
- The address search tool will now present multiple options for locations if the value entered matches both land registry titles and national grid reference.
- An issue impacting the ability to download Getmapping Aerial Export orders from Chrome has been resolved.
- Webchat icon will update to reflect whether there are customer service agents available or not.
22nd June 2021 - Webchat Updates
What’s been updated?
- Webchat icon will now re-open existing windows as opposed to starting new chat windows.
- An issue impacting the ability to download certain reports from Google Chrome has been updated.
15th June 2021 - Webchat
What’s new?
- A Webchat capability has been added to Promap. This adds the ability for logged in users to begin a online support chat with the Promap Customer Service team has been implemented.
- The Webchat tool is available in the Promap header by selecting the speech bubble icon.
What’s been updated?
- An issue impacting the ability to download certain reports from the Order History page has been resolved.
28th May 2021 - Continuous Improvements & Account Merge capabilities
What’s been updated?
- A fix to a small number line style options that were impacting the ability to add orders to basket.
- Fix to continuous loading of the Print tab.
- Improved account services to manage account acquisitions.
12th April 2021 - Internet Explorer no longer supported
What’s been updated?
- Internet Explorer is no longer a support browser.
- Order History speed has been improved.
24th March 2021 - Continuous Improvements
What’s been updated?
- A fix to a header and issue bug resulting in duplicate headers on the output.
- An update to the Subscription Manager panel.
- A resolution to an issue causing a hanging Order History page
- Improved messaging around login
- A fix to Edit Print which has resolved situations of this being unavailable
- New LandSearch sample
- Fix to organisation templates not showing user uploaded logo
8th March 2021 - Continuous Improvements
What’s been updated?
- A fix has been implemented to address a small number of saved maps that were not able to open due to issues related to the print frame.
- An update has been implemented to support maps with a large number of annotations processing through the print process quickly.
- Additional branding updates to replace Promap v2 with Promap.
- An increase to the delivery email address max length.
25th January 2021 - Constraints Downloads & updates
What’s new?
- Premium Layers users are now able to download Constraints data into a spreadsheet.
What’s been updated?
- An issue impacting the editing process for A1 MasterMap orders has been corrected.
- A issue related to migrated maps with multiple lock to background layers has been fixed.
- An issue relating to the date filter function which preventing maps from being opened has has been resolved.
15th January 2021 - Export T&Cs and Bug Fixes
What’s been updated?
- Terms and Conditions for export products have been updated.
- A fix to the saved map date filter has been implemented to resolve the issue of this making the saved maps tree unavailable.
- The lock to background function was causing line and polygon properties to revert to a previous shapes styling, this has been resolved.
- A correction has been made to the licence expiry date has been implemented.
15th December 2020 - Premium Layers Download
What’s new?
- Premium Layers users are now able to download Flooding, Registered Leases and Land Use Designation data into a spreadsheet.
8th December 2020 - Premium Layers Download & Fixes
What’s new?
- Premium Layers users are now able to download a spreadsheet of available data.
What’s been updated?
- The branding has been update to Promap from Promap v2.
- A fix for Getmapping orders has been released.
- A fix to failing prints due to transparent polygons has been implemented.
- A bug preventing non-admin users from selecting addresses within the detailed template has been resolved.
25th November 2020 - Premium Layers Download and Updates
What’s new?
- It is now possible to download a csv. containing information within Premium Layers. This is initially available for Planning Applications but will be enhanced with the remaining datasets shortly.
- Registered Leases data is now available within Promap Premium Layers.
- Premium Layers is available for free for new sign ups until 31st January 2021.
What’s been updated?
- An issue affecting headers and footers on edited prints has been resolved.
- A fix impacting a small number of prints that would get stuck at processing has been resolved.
- A speed improvement to the Order History function has been implemented.
16th November 2020 - Premium Layers Legend and Fixes
What’s new?
- Premium Layers users can now add a legend displaying the active data layers to their print outputs.
What’s been updated?
- An issue causing grouped lines to become unresponsive has been resolved.
- A small number of exports were failing, this has been resolved.
- Promap v2 branding has been replaced by Promap.
9th November 2020 - Premium Layers Updates and Fixes
What’s new?
- Premium Layers users are now able to include Planning Applications and Property Sold Prices as part of a print.
- The Help section now includes a link to the Release Notes page.
What’s been updated?
- An issue that caused double print frames to occur has been resolved.
- It is now possible to set variable print frames.
- Further improvements to the speed of the Order History page have been implemented.
28th October 2020 - Order History Updates
What’s been updated?
- Significant performance improvements have been made to the Order History pages on the site, these updates will decrease loading times for receiving new orders and querying old orders.
- A fix has been made to Edit Print from the Orders tab that has improved speed and reliability of this feature.
1st October 2020 - New Utilities Report
What’s new?
- A brand new format is now available with the Utilities report, a combined PDF that collates all utility responses into a single document.
- New Digital Utility Overview Plan formats have been added in KML and SHP to provide greater flexibility of data usage.
- Pricing of the utility reports and DUOP have been updated.
16th September 2020 - Shape selection and Checkout Updates
What’s been updated?
- A fix was released to address slow checkout times experienced by some users.
- Improvements to the select tool were made to make it easier to select adjacent or overlapping shapes.
- Conservation Areas has been renamed as Special Areas of Conservation with Promap Premium Layers.
11th September 2020 - Checkout and Ordering Improvements
What’s been updated?
- A fix has been made to the processing of some aerial export purchase to support efficient delivery.
- The frequency of the watermark on the OS MasterMap Layer has been reduced.
- A resolution to zooming issues using a mouse scroll on a Mac has been resolved.
- The expenditure details box no longer overlaps with the detail template content boxes
- More clarity has been provided in the checkout process.
27th August 2020 - Saved Map, Login and Print Improvements
What’s been updated?
- Improvements to the detail print template have been implemented.
- A problem regarding saved maps opening on the incorrect layer has been addressed.
- The Titlefill tool will now deselect at the highest zoom levels to improve usability.
- Some users were impacted by a stuck checkout while using QuickPrint, this has been resolved.
- A fix has been implemented to ensure recent saved maps will appear in the directory when selected.
12th August 2020 - Print and Premium Layers Updates
What’s been updated?
- Efficiency improvements to the A4 Small Print template
- A resolution to an issues of ownership data not correctly re-selecting for a number of users.
5th August 2020 - Ownership Layers in Promap Premium Layers
What’s new?
- The Commercial and Personal Ownership Titles data is now available to view on VectorMap Local, Aerial and OpenMap layers within Promap Premium Layers.
28th July 2020 - Property Sold Price, Saved Maps Admin & Title Fill Updates
What’s new?
- Price per sq ft. has been added as a new attribute to the Property Sold Prices layer in Promap Premium Layers.
- The Title Fill tool is now available to use on VectorMap Local, Aerial and OpenMap layers
- It is now possible to move and rename maps in the Open Maps menu.
What’s been updated?
- The Sitecheck Flood report is no longer available
17th July 2020 - Planning Application Polygons
What’s new?
- There are now a large number of large planning applications represented as polygon features as opposed to data points in Promap Premium Layers and LandSearch.
- This provides greater location awareness of planning applications and means these features are more likely to appear in the search radius of your site.
10th July 2020 - Planning Application links
What’s new?
- Links to the original planning application are now available in the attributes of the planning application data in Promap Premium Layers.
30th June 2020 - Reduced MasterMap Roaming Pricing
What’s been updated?
- The cost of viewing MasterMap online has been significantly reduced for all Promap users.
- In addition to our previous update of increasing the locate area from 1km2 to 5.5km2, you’ll now be able to view more MasterMap for less, making it cheaper to access the surroundings of your site.
19th June 2020 - QuickPrint, Shp. File Upload & Updates
What’s new?
- The brand new QuickPrint feature is now available in Promap, this feature simplifies the interface for users that just want to print maps. While it maintains all the market leading drawing tools, it provides a simple single flow through the platform that removes all the options that our users said that didn’t always need.
- A new shp. file upload tool has been added to Promap, you can now upload single shape files to automatically define your required site area. This can save hours when defining complex estate boundaries or property plans.
- A shp. file can be used to define an area for exporting mapping, or be added as an annotation to a PDF or Image.
What’s been updated?
- Promap will retain your preference for products ensuring that you do not need to spend time setting product formats each time.
- When selecting collated Property Sold Prices points in the Promap Layers function, it is now easier to distinguish between them as the address is shown in the header.
27th May 2020 - Increased Locate Area
What’s been updated?
- The initial area of MasterMap that is included within a single locate charge has been increased from 1km2 to 5.5km2.
- This will significantly reduce the number of charges incurred when viewing areas of MasterMap
19th May 2020 - Quicker Order Journey
What’s been updated?
- Following feedback regarding the order journey, a number of steps have been removed from this process.
- There is no longer an Order Confirmation window following the action to submit an order.
- References for Edit Print & RePrint orders will be retained from the original purchase so these do not need to be entered again.
- If you have a Paper Map Copy Licence, clicking RePrint will now download the order and you will not have to submit this request again.
11th May 2020 - New Premium Layers content
What’s new?
- There are 6 new data layers available within Promap Premium Layers, these include; Ancient Woodland, Special Protection Areas, Ramsar Sites, Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty, Scheduled Monuments and Local Nature Reserves.
- We’re also happy to announce Premium Layers will be available free to new sign ups until the end of June 2020.
8th April 2020 - New Historical Map Format
What’s new?
- You are now able to purchase Historical Maps in a GeoTIFF format. This can be selected when the Historical Maps are added to the basket.
20th March 2020 - Combined Print Formats
What’s new?
- You are now able to purchase a Image and a PDF print together in a single order. This will be delivered in a single zip file.
- Please note you must have an active PMCL to order the combined version.
What’s been updated?
- A number of updates have been made to the layout of the Detail Print Template.
11th March 2020 - Buffer Tool
What’s new?
- A new Buffer tool has been added, this allows you to create a buffer of specified distance around a shape when in the Print task. To use the Buffer tool the shape must first be locked, and then right click on the shape and select Buffer within the menu. Unlocking the original shape will remove the buffer.
What’s been updated?
- A number of minor planning applications were not appearing within the Premium Layers functionality, these are all now avaialable.
13th February 2020 - Print Improvement
What’s new?
- Following from feedback, we have completed an enhancement to the quality of PDF and Image output.
- The quality improvement focused on the density of lines when producing a Black and White MasterMap.
3rd February 2020 - Promap Premium Layers
What’s new?
- Promap Premium Layers are a new subscription service to Promap v2.
- A user subscription licence is available for £35 and this unlocks access to additional data layers within the current ‘Layers’ tool in Promap v2.
- The data that is unlocked includes; planning applications, personal ownership titles, property sold prices, OS MasterMap Highways, Listed Buildings, Green Belt, SSSIs and Special Areas of Conservation.
- For more information regarding the new features please click here.
13th December 2019 - Various Enhancements
What’s new?
- The Metric/Imperial measurement switch has been moved from to the Shape Properties, enabling you to switch measurement units on the fly.
What’s been updated?
- Resolution to instances of text boxes displaying incorrectly.
- Resolution to add/remove point tool delay when editing polygons.
- Resolution to lines appearing thicker from the Edit Print function.
29th November 2019 - Print and Drawing tool Enhancements
What’s been updated?
- The quality of printed PDF and image outputs have been enhanced.
- The speed of multiple larger prints has been enhanced.
- Incidents of drawings not correctly being added to Drawing Libraries has been resolved.
3rd November 2019 - A0 Paper Size
What’s new?
- The A0 Paper Size is now available to print.
30th October 2019 - Various Updates
What’s been updated?
- We’ve improved the quality of your uploaded logos on print. Please reupload any existing logos to take full advantage.
- We have resolved an issue in which the MasterMap Feature Fill & Title Fill tools were occasionally unavailable when using Edit Print.
- Some users were experiencing a lag when using the Add/Remove points tool, this has now been resolved.
- We have resolved the issue stopping some using from completing multiple copy & pastes of annotations.
- Some users had to click multiple times for undo to take effect, this now happens instantly.
27th September 2019 – Export Mapping Size Limits and Updates
What’s new?
- We have increase size limit for Export mapping products, including OpenMap.
What’s been updated?
- We have made some efficiencies that will speed up the checkout process.
- The issues when purchasing a variety of different Historical Maps within the same basket has been fixed.
- Some Saved Maps were opening on the incorrect mapping layer, this has been fixed. You may need to refresh your cache for this change to take effect.
- The line thickness menu had would be hidden behind drawing tools. This is no longer the case.
10th September 2019 – Add/Remove Point Tool Improvement
What’s new?
- You told us that it was difficult to know when you were adding or removing points. We’ve improved this by highlight where the existing points are on a shape to allow you to make amendments more easily.
5th September 2019 - Print Preview improvements & Reducing Clicks
What’s new?
- We’ve enhanced the Print Preview function in Promap v2. You asked for small font sizes, these are now available. Any headers and footers will also be retained when using the Edit Print function for maps purchased in Promap v2.
- You also told us that there were too any steps as part of check out, as part of our first enhancement here we have made a few changes. First of all, the ‘Order Success’ message has been removed, instead you will go straight to Order History. Secondly if you have typed a Project Reference or PO Number as part of your session, this will be included in the basket automatically.
21st August 2019 - A1, Detailed Template & Gridlines
What’s new?
- The A1 Paper Size is now available within the Print options. A1’s can take a few minutes to process given the size and volume of information included on them.
- It is now possible to add Gridlines when viewing MasterMap in Promap v2. Simply head to the My Settings function within the Admin tools. Simply tick the Gridlines box and select the interval (In metres) for displaying gridlines. To replicate OS Tile Number grids enter 100m intervals, to replicate NGR grids enter 500m intervals. If gridlines are visible on screen, they will be included on the final Print output.
- We’ve added a new print template, the ‘Detailed Template’ to the options within the Print Preview function. This template offers the ability to add additional information into a set number of fields.
What’s been updated?
- Orders against Saved Maps are now visible to all users
- We have resolved an issue that was causing some titles to not be recognised as part of the Land Registry search within the address search.
- There were some prints failing due to text boxes being added with font with 0 font size, this has been resolved.
31st July 2019 - Report Improvements
What’s new?
- The reopen functionality (Control + Enter) will now also work with the line drawing tool.
What’s been updated?
- We have improved the processing of various products including Enviroscreen and Aerial Imagery. These improvements will reduce the number of these that fail or stuck on processing.
- Saved maps that were MasterMap but were opening on OpenMap has been resolved.
24th July 2019 - Open Shape, LandSearch Pricing & Saved Map Updates
What’s new?
- Back by popular demand, you are now able to reopen completed shapes. Simply press Control + Enter. This will enter the shape at the last drawn node.
- The LandSearch report pricing has been updated to £50.
What’s been updated?
- Enhancements have been made to the Promap Classic map migration process.
9th July 2019 – Title Fill
What’s new?
- The brand new ‘Title Fill’ tool is now available in Promap v2. The Title Fill tool is similar to the MasterMap fill tool but fills the ownership Freehold boundary for the location clicked as opposed to the polygons on the mapping. When clicking a location, the polygon will be drawn in red, any additional polygons that form part of the same title will be highlighted in blue. If the title is larger than my map screen or has polygons that are not visible on screen, then Promap will provide a list of coordinates to locate the rest of my title. The Title Fill is only available as part of the Print Drawing tools. The Title fill is also only active when viewing the MasterMap layer.
3rd July 2019 - Lock to background, Nearby Maps (v2), Persistent Print Templates & Updates
What’s new?
- It is now possible to use the ‘Lock to Background’ function in Promap v2, this is available on black and white MasterMap layer only. To use Lock to Background, draw a shape, right click on the completed shape, go to ‘Special’ and click ‘Lock to background.’ The shape will now be locked in place but will also display beneath any text on the map.
- Upon an address search, Promap will now display whether there are any new saved maps created within Promap v2.
- When you use the Edit Print function, the previous Header and Footer that you entered for the order will be retained to use again.
What’s been updated?
- Fixed the issue causing mapping to get distorted in the UI.
- Fixed the location pin moving when zooming in or out.
26th June 2019 - Task Preference and Saved Map Filter
What’s new?
- It is now possible to set a preference between the different tasks on Promap, Export, Print and Report. This provides quick access to the appropriate drawing tools and also the products most commonly purchased.
- To provide a quick experience when using the Save Map and Open Map function a Date Filter has been added. This will speed up this functionality by making it easier to identify previous maps. The Search functionality will search through all date ranges to ensure previous maps can be located easily through this method also.
31st May 2019 – Site Info and MasterMap Zoom Extents
What’s new?
- The Site Info button has been added to Promap v2, this is now located in the bottom footer, next to the Site Marker button. Clicking this button will change your cursor, then when you click on the map it will display the Nearest Address and the Easting and Northings. When on the Print tab you can add a label of the Eastings and Northings.
- Several additional zoom extents have been added to MasterMap meaning that you are able to zoom in and out further.
- Clear licencing information is now available in a PDF as part of an export’s zip file.
What’s been updated?
- Improvements to the delivery of Zmapping orders
- Improvements to the basket to avoid caching issues
- Resolving the issues of a small number of black & white prints coming out in colour
22nd May 2019 – Printing Viewable Data
What’s new?
- If the Promap Layers are active on your map when you print, these will now be included on the final output. This includes Flooding, Land Use Designations & Ownership data.
15th May 2019 – Grouped Drawing Libraries & Segment Length
What’s new?
- Drawn shapes that are grouped together can now be added to Drawing Libraries as a single object.
- While using the Shape and Line drawing tools, the Shape Properties box will now display the Segment Length of the current line that you are drawing.
10th April 2019 – Viewable Data
What’s new?
- The brand new ‘Promap Layers’ functionality has been added to Promap v2. Included free of charge are Flood, Ownership and Land Use Designation data. This data can be overlaid onto the mapping and investigated by left clicking to view the detailed attribute information.
What’s been updated?
- Fix to the measurement tool not being deleted from map
- Fix to enable users to move around the map in ‘Edit Print’ mode.
- Fix to text displaying outside of text box after printing
- Fix to the Inside/Outside line bug creating duplicate lines
- Fix to the creation of shapes that could not be removed from screen.
- Stop sending Order complete emails to invoice users.
20th March 2019 – View Pricing & OS Tile Number
What’s new?
- View and Locate charges have been reduced.
- OS Tile Number information is now available in the footer of Promap v2, this will display the tile info for the location of the mouse on the screen.
13th February 2019 – Print Preview and Shape Grouping
What’s new?
- Improved Print Preview Templates
- It is now possible to group drawn features together on the map, simply select multiple shapes by holding down Shift and left clicking and then right click and select Group.
- Enviroscreen reports are now also available to order in Scotland.
16th January 2019 – Argyll Leads, Basket and Text boxes improvements
What’s new?
- When you purchase a MasterMap Print or GoView Order, further information regarding following consultancy services will be displayed in the Order History. If you click on one of these banners you can request to talk to one of our in-house consultants to support your project’s next steps.
- The Basket has been improved to enable users to enter the same project and reference for multiple order lines.
- Text boxes now act as shapes do and can be rotated to any angle.
6th December 2018 – Undo, Fixed Measurements & L&A
What’s new?
- Promap v2 now has an Undo and Redo function, this can be used either using the Control + Z (Undo) / Control + Y (Redo) OR by the arrow buttons in the Drawing Tools menu. The undo function will undo; points while drawing, moving shapes, deleting shapes, rotating shapes, changing colours, adding things from drawling library, adding/removing text boxes. It currently does not undo changes to text inside a text box or enable a completed shape to be editable again.
- Users are now able to update the measurement units with the My Settings tab (Admin -> My Settings). There is now a choice between Imperial, Metric, Fixed Ha and Fixed Acres.
- Shortcuts for Length and Angle have been added to Promap v2, these work as Classic. Press L to add a length, Press A to add an angle.
- Organisation orders – users can search for Organisational Orders as well as their own with the Order History.