On-going enhancements made to Promap’s Premium Layers address vital present-day requirements
As part of our ongoing commitment to providing the best, more relevant and accurate data, Promap can announce the latest additions to our Premium Layers tool.
We have added six key datasets to Promap Premium Layers, at no extra cost.
These latest data sets allow property professionals to make informed decisions regarding our natural heritage.
Preserving our natural heritage is high on the country’s agenda. Government policy states:
“Planning policies and decisions should contribute to and enhance the natural and local environment by protecting and enhancing valued landscapes, sites of biodiversity or geological value.”
Specifically, for property professionals, planning policies and decisions need to take our natural heritage into account by “preventing new and existing development from contributing to, being put at unacceptable risk from, or being adversely affected by, unacceptable levels of soil, air, water or noise pollution or land instability.”
Having the information to help you make these decisions before committing to a new project is invaluable, and that’s just the information the new Premium Layers provide.
Urban and rural properties have varying considerations in terms of opportunities and risks. In order to make the best decisions you need to be able to provide clients with the clearest information available.
Promap’s latest Premium Layers will furnish you with the access to the greater amounts of data you’ll need to support clients, whether they are relocating within a city or aspiring to that peaceful green location.
Environmental concerns are driving the need for more data
When pre-screening land for development potential property professionals like architects, surveyors, developers and estate agents need to demonstrate more sensitivity to environmental concerns.
Our latest layers allow you to screen potential sites for:
- Ancient Woodland
- Woodland dating back to 1600 or before in England and Wales, or 1750 in Scotland
- Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty
- These areas are landscapes of national conservation importance for their distinctive character and natural beauty
- Local Nature Reserves
- As designated under the National Parks and Access to the Countryside Act 1949, Section 21
- Ramsar Sites
- Wetlands as designated by the Convention on Wetlands of International Importance
- Scheduled Monuments
- Nationally important ancient and archaeological sites
- Special Protection Areas
- Special Protection Areas (SPA) are classified under Article 4 of the European Commission (EC) Directive on the Conservation of Wild Birds 1979, commonly known as the Wild Birds Directive
Improve your portfolio and provide clients and customers with key data
You can use these new layers to inform your own work, by gathering detailed, accurate data for each portfolio.
Help clients decide on the viability of future projects.
Help potential homebuyers make the right choice for their future home.
At no extra cost to your monthly subscription, you can offer more valuable and more environmentally aware solutions.