We’re continually listening to our customers and the Promap development team has been beavering away adding great new features to Promap v2. We’re lifting the lid on what we’re currently working on, so read on for recent releases and a sneak preview of what’s on the horizon!
Recently released
Select Complex Titles with a Click
Often, land registry titles can be incredibly complex, with multiple parcels of land associated with a single title. Complex used to mean time-consuming, but now this task can be done with a single click, maximising efficiency. Our new Title Fill tool allows you to fill ownership boundaries for your selected location. A simple click fills the polygon in red, and any additional polygons forming part of the same title will be highlighted in blue. This follows Local Authority protocol, reducing query time and keeping your projects hitting deadlines. What’s more if the additional polygons aren’t visible on screen we’ll point you in the right direction to ensure you see the full picture.
Create Accurate Plans with Lock to background
This handy new tool allows you to deliver excellent customer service to those working with more unusual sites. It enables accurate drawing and for all OS mapping information to be maintained on the black and white MasterMap layer. For example, you might have telegraph cables crossing your site. These features will be maintained on the map, ensuring clarity and transparency of any maps created for your client or potential site buyers. It’s great to earn the reputation of being the “go-to guy,” able to quickly create accurate plans despite those frustrating little features. To use Lock to background, draw a shape, right-click on the completed shape, go to ‘Special’ and click ‘Lock to background’. The shape will now be locked in place.
Reopen a Completed Shape Allowing Greater Functionality
Another popular request was the ability to reopen completed shapes when annotating your site or revisiting a previous plan. Simply press Control + Enter to unlock a shape and continue drawing. We’re confident that this tool will make it easier for you to provide your client with quality data.
Reduce Duplication Using Nearby Saved Maps
Using the address search, Promap v2 will now display any nearby saved maps created within Promap v2. Make efficiency gains by not replicating previous maps or spending money creating duplicates. Consistently faster turnaround times make for happy, loyal customers, helping you maintain and grow your customer base.
Persistent Print Templates No Longer Needs Constant Updating
Boost efficiency still further with this great new feature. Adding the print template information now means it doesn’t have to be repeatedly updated, so when you use the edit print function it will maintain the template information.
Coming Soon…
Be sure to follow us on Twitter and LinkedIn to stay up to date with the latest enhancements for Promap v2.
Enhanced Accuracy with Gridlines
This feature will enable you to add gridlines to the mapping in Promap. This helps you purchase the exact amount of mapping required, allowing for more accurate bottom-line calculations. CAD users will be able to seamlessly line up grid references.
Large Areas Now Fit on One Map
A key requirement for our estate management and rural surveyor customers. Larger paper sizes allow you to fit whole estates onto a single map ‑ great for making a good impression at client meetings.
To try all the latest Promap v2 features for yourself, visit https://www2.promap.co.uk/, or to learn more about these and many other features sign-up to one of our regular ‘Introduction to Promap v2’ webinars.