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Focus on the Data – Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty

Promap Functionality

Through the viewable data layers monthly subscription this dataset can be overlaid on to the OS Openmap, Aerial. OS Vectormap Local and OS Mastermap topography layers, included in prints and the data exported to a CSV file.

What does it provide?

This dataset contains details of areas Designated as Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty under the National Parks and Access to the Countryside Act 1949.  These areas are landscapes of national conservation importance for their distinctive character and natural beauty. They are generally smaller than National Parks and are owned by individuals e.g. farmers.

Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty

Dataset Name: Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty

Supplier: Natural England and Natural Resources Wales

Coverage: England and Wales

Update Cycle: Bi-Annually

Free or Subscription: Included in the £35 per month viewable data layers subscription option

See samples of the Ancient Woodland in action: Viewable Layers – Click Here

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