Promap Functionality
Through the viewable data layers, this dataset can be overlaid onto the OS Openmap, Aerial. OS Vectormap Local and OS Mastermap topography layers included in prints and the data is exported to a CSV file. The data is also utilised for the Landsearch, Sitecheck Assess, and PlanSearch Plus reports available from Promap
What does it provide?
This section contains recent and older plans for your area. An update to planning legislation in 2004 meant local authorities changed the way development plans were prepared, and it is documents published since this change that are included as recent, whilst plans prepared prior to that date come under older. The designation data is actually made up of data from two datasets, which are as follows:
Local Development Plans: Local development plans are documents that are published by the Local Authority and detail the various planning strategies for the region. These documents are intended to guide development and include detailed proposals for individual sites as well as identifying areas suitable for housing, industry, retail, conservation or other land uses. This dataset has been derived from the normalisation of land use types shown in the plans and indicates their extents and locations as points, lines and polygons.
Local Plans: Land Use Policies are collected from local Authorities throughout Great Britain. They are documents published by the Local Authority detailing the planning strategy for that region. This dataset contains details of the plans from which the policies have been referenced.
Dataset Name: Land Use Designations
Supplier: Local Authorities
Coverage: England, Scotland and Wales
Update Cycle: As notified by the suppliers
Free or Subscription: Free within Promap
See samples of the Land Use Designation data in action:
Landsearch – Click Here
Sitecheck Assess – Click Here
Viewable Layers – Click Here
Plansearch Plus – Click Here