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Focus on the Data – Listed Buildings

Promap Functionality

Through the viewable data layers monthly subscription this dataset can be overlaid on to the OS Openmap, Aerial. OS Vectormap Local and OS Mastermap topography layers, included in prints and the data exported to a CSV file. The data is also utilised for the Landsearch report available from Promap.

What does it provide?

This dataset identifies the locations of Listed Buildings in England, Scotland and Wales. Listing is a term used to describe one of a number of legal procedures which help protect the best of architectural heritage. Anyone can propose a building for listing, after which Historic England, Historic Environment Scotland or the Welsh Historic Environment Service (Cadw) will examine the case and make a recommendation. The final decision will be made by the Secretary of State or the relevant ministers in the devolved Government. When buildings are confirmed they are placed on the statutory list of buildings of special architectural or historic interest.

It is worth noting that structures that might not be first thought of as buildings, such as railings, gates, war memorials and post boxes can also appear on the system. The lists are used to help planning authorities to make decisions with the interests of the historic environment clearly identified. Buildings on the List are given one of three grades which denote their level of importance with Grade I being the highest. The Grades are; Grade I -exceptional interest, Grade II* – particularly important, Grade II – of special interest. This dataset represents the geographical location of each building (or groups of buildings) as point data.

It should be noted that the curtilages of the designation are not shown.


About the data

Dataset Name: Listed Buildings

Supplier: Historic England, Historic Environment Scotland and Cadw Wales

Coverage: England, Scotland and Wales

Update Cycle: Bi-Annually

Free or Subscription: Included in the £35 per month viewable data layers subscription option


See samples of Listed Buildings in action:

Viewable Layers – Click Here

Landsearch Report – Click Here

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